
第四部份       業務、人事經常使用的對話


  1. 業務使用的對話


        我們的年度銷售目標是多少?                   What is our annual sales target?

        我們的年度銷售目標是2000萬美金。      Our annual sales target is $20 million.

        我們今年的年度銷售目標較去年成            Our annual sales target for this year is 10%

        10%                                                       higher than last year.

        我們的每季銷售目標是多少?                    What is our quarterly sales target?

        我們的每季銷售目標是500萬美金。        Our quarterly sales target is $5 million.

        我們的每月銷售目標是多少?                    What is our monthly sales target?

        我們的每月銷售目標是150萬美金。        Our monthly sales target is $1.5 million.

        我們的銷售目標是多少?                            What is our sales target?

        我們的銷售目標尚未決定。                        Our sales target is not yet decided.

        我們的目標銷售數字是多少?                     What are our target sales figures?

        我的目標銷售數字很快會決定。                Our target sales figures will be decided soon.

        我們銷售目標是什麼?                                What are our sales objectives?

        我們的銷售目標記錄在這份文件中。        Our sales objectives are stated in this document.

        我們銷售目標是什麼?                                What is our sales goal?

        我們的銷售目標是超越去年20%            Our sales goal is 20% above last year.

        我們銷售計畫是什麼?                                What is our sales plan?

        我們的銷售計畫顯示於這份文件中。        Our sales plan is shown in this document.

        我們的目標銷售量是多少?                        What is our target sales volume?

        我們的目標銷售量很快會公布。                Our target sales volume will be available soon.

        我們如何達成銷售目標?                            How are we going to achieve our sales


        我們計畫舉行腦力激盪會議。                    We are planning to hold a brainstorming session.

        我們有任何具體計畫來成銷售目標            Do we have any specific plans to achieve our

        嗎?                                                                sales target?

        我們正在擬定具體的計畫。                        We are working on the specific plans.

        我們的銷售預估是多少?                            What is our sales forecast?

           我們的銷售預估在這份銷售計畫裡。        Our sales forecast is in this sales plan.

           我們的年度銷售預估是多少?                    What is our annual sales forecast?

           我們的年度銷售預估很快會公布。            Our annual sales forecast will be available soon.

           我們的每季銷售預估是多少?                    What is our quarterly sales forecast?

           我們的每季銷售預估公布在部門佈告        Our quarterly sales forecast is shown on a

           欄上。                                                            department bulletin board.

           我們的每月銷售預估是多少?                    What is our monthly sales forecast?

           我們的每月銷售預估公布在佈告欄上。    Our monthly sales forecast will be shown on a

bulletin board.



        我們的促銷計畫是什麼?                            What is our sales promotion plan?

        我們的促銷計畫在這裡。                            Our sales promotion plan is right here.

        我們的銷售策略是什麼?                            What is our sales strategy?

        我們的銷售策略剛剛完成。                        Our sales strategy has been finished.

        我們的短期銷售策略是什麼?                    What is our short-term sales strategy?

        我們的短期銷售策略很快會公布。            Our short-term sales strategy will be available


        我們的長期銷售策略是什麼?                    What is our long-term sales strategy?

        我們的長期銷售策略己經公布。                Our long-term sales strategy is already available.

        我們如何進行促銷?                                    How are we going to promote sales?

        我們的特別促銷小組將負責執行。            Our special sales promotion team had full


        我們有新產品上市計畫嗎?                        Do we have a roll-out plan?

        我們有新產品上市計畫。                            We have a roll-out plan.

        我們有任何特別促銷活動嗎?                    Do we have any special sales campaign?

我們目前沒有特別促銷活動。                    We don’t have any special sales campaign plan

this time.

        我們會進行任何特別促銷活動嗎?            Are we going to do any special sales campaign?

        不會,不過我們會進行例行的促銷            Not really but we are going to do our usual sales

        活動。                                                            campaign.

        我們有郵寄廣告銷售計畫嗎?                    Do we have a direct mail sales plan?

        我們有大規模的郵寄廣告銷售計畫。        We have a large-scale direct mail sales plan.

        我們有經銷商獎勵計畫嗎?                        Do we have a dealer incentive program?

        我們有強化經銷商獎勵計畫。                    We have an enhanced dealer incentive program.

        我們有計畫刊登廣告嗎?                            Do we make plans of the advertisement?

        我們有廣告計畫嗎?                                    Do we have an advertisement plan?

        我們己經完成我們的廣告計畫。                We have already made our advertisement plan.

        誰負責新聞稿發佈?                                    Who is responsible for the press release?

        李小姐會全權負責新聞稿發佈工作。        Miss Lee is solely responsible for the press


        誰會撰寫新聞稿?                                        Who is creating the press release materials?

        李小姐也會撰寫新聞稿。                            Miss Lee is creating the press release materials


誰負責協調所有的發表活動?                    Who is coordinating all the announcement


葛斯坦先生負責協調所有的發表會            Mr. Goldstein is coordinating all the

活動。    announcement activities.


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